Happy New Year!

Tales From the Hill

  • The Chosen

    My son Dan loves everything about Movies! He has a degree in all things film and loves being on the sets.  He spent a couple of seasons working on ...
  • That’s a wrap!

    Swiss Days 2023 is a wrap! It was alot of work and kinda stressful but we had fun and we learned a lot! We had never put together a booth or partic...
  • New Beginnings

    It has been a little over a year since I made a blog post.  It’s funny how a whole year goes by without you knowing.  Here I am staring down anothe...
  • Let's talk fannypacks!

    So fanny packs, yes please or absolutely not? I am a child of the eighties so I have bad fanny pack vibes. But, I was told by a friend with teenage...
  • How it Started.

    I did a learning activity recently where I had to describe myself.  I wrote things like witty, quick, creative, reflective and in big letters at t...